
what used to be the times and travels of beth in Thailand has evolved. the blog will develop into a more random gathering of thoughts, interests, causes, experiences.. there are many possibilities as the World is large and Beth hopes to make it a better place. one little letter at a time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Reasons Why

While I am so happy to have had this second wonderful year in Thailand... and while I've "loved" not being able to watch most video content orginating in America... and as I ponder the many great things I've seen, heard and done throughout this year.... I am so excited to return home to my friends and family and more good times ahead.

I thought I'd give a reason a day (if it's possible whilst touring Thailand with my two remaining visitors) for why I'm happy I was here (in Thailand) or why I'm so looking forward to getting back home.

Reason #1: I miss seeing my favorite acts live, in concert. We don't get any of the many great bands from USA here, just big commerical acts. What's up with that?! Nickel creek would be one band I adore, especially live. ((I am heart broken that they are no longer writing and touring together. I have enjoyed all of their solo ventures but Nickel Creek as a whole will always be my favorite band. I want to jump out of my skin (or at least my chair) whenever they play. Here is one outstanding example. Or two, because I love them so. ))
Click <--there. And here.

In other news, my friend Lora just left Bangkok early this morning. Her visit was very eventful and so much fun! We saw the sights of Thailand's former capitol city Ayutthaya, so awesome! We (she) swam in the waterfalls of national park, we rode an elephant (!!!!!!) and a bamboo raft in the River Kwai as well as saw the famous railroad and bridge (which Lora told me has a bad history) in Kanchanaburi. Later in her visit we ventured to the southern beach town of Ao Nang via overnight train and enjoyed some relaxation. We hopped a long tail boat to a secluded island one day. We also spent two days on the island of Phuhket with a snorkeling tour of the Phi Phi islands. We ended her trip with a toast, stories above the city, followed by a fantastic dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant and a wander through the night bazaar. It was, in my humble opinion, a well-rounded trip. And I miss her already. Thank you so much for coming Ms. Lora!! Kawp khun kaaaaah! ;)

Want to ride an elephant? The answer is yes!

I was squeeling like a little girl on the inside and praying that we didn't tip off the side of this amazing creature. At one point he (Mr. Long Trunk) insisted on stopping to have a leafy snack and his "guy", his trainer dude took out a massive machete and cut off a branch which the Mr. Long Trunk carried in his trunk all the way back like a dog that's found a prize to keep. It cracked me up. I'm now in love with elephants. Lora told me about a camp where you can go and take care of them... I may just book a little side trip for myself before I move home. We were able, like any other person, to buy a basket of fruit to feed the elephants... which is just as fun as feeding giraffes. Maybe I need to move to the African safari next?? :)

Love love.