
what used to be the times and travels of beth in Thailand has evolved. the blog will develop into a more random gathering of thoughts, interests, causes, experiences.. there are many possibilities as the World is large and Beth hopes to make it a better place. one little letter at a time.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hello, Happy Labor Day weekend!

I bet all you lucky MNans are enjoying the last bits of weekend fun at the cabin or just enjoying a barbecue. Or maybe the Fair. I hope you have a wonderful long weekend.

I'm excited for those of my teacher friends starting another new school year. Let me say, I can't wait to join you in the future!

I spent the majority of my Sunday uploading photos to flickr. I will post more but it took a long time just to add that set.

Blog of Hong Kong this week! Promise!

Lots of love. Miss you all!!

P.S. I just took at look backwards at my photos and am feeling really thoughtful about all that I've been through traveling and living across the world. How time flies! Those of you that were able to visit last time should take a look back as well. So many memories come back. Wow! :)
Little tear.