
what used to be the times and travels of beth in Thailand has evolved. the blog will develop into a more random gathering of thoughts, interests, causes, experiences.. there are many possibilities as the World is large and Beth hopes to make it a better place. one little letter at a time.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

About a Thursday...

Well, happy almost weekend. That's my line of thinking today. :) This has been a terrific yet tornadic week for some reason, and am I just saying that to not sound negative? Possibly.

This week at school there have been a LOT of tears (6 year old boy tears, which are heavy on the bottom lip). Some random, some sincere and altogether confusing to me. I haven't been able to get many answers when I ask what's wrong. Maybe they're scared to move to Grade Two? Who knows. They have a major project in Science where they make a model of environments together... for instance a pond, a jungle, a mountain, a river... etc, etc. It involves paper mache, painting and constructing houses and trees. It's a long project, four weeks, and we just started pounding it out today. Anyway, it's the saving grace of the week because they L-O-V-E it. Yay! No crying yet, but a couple arguments. Other than the tears, they're doing well and my heart swells when I see all the progress they have made. I love them so!! I'm going to miss them and my only comfort is that if I was to stay another year here... they wouldn't be MINE ALL MINE anyway. :) Maybe we'll all be crying on the last day of school. Ha ha.

I've been very thoughtful of the future after my trip to Australia. I've become very focused and driven to be more organized and well-planned going home this time. I will be in the market for the following things as I plan my move home (in April): a used car, housing, a full time teaching position, a good yoga studio, a summer job and people to bike and run with (reguarly)... so if anyone knows someone who knows someone or a place (etc)... keep me in mind. Hey thanks!

About Thailand... things are pretty cool (low seventies to mid eighties) at the moment. However, this afternoon it became very, very dark and humid. I'm expecting that we will get a storm. I should probably walk home from work now and avoid the rain (if it comes) but ... not yet. :)
We're coming into Chinese New Year soon (February, I think). The boys are busy making things in Chinese class and stores are stocking up on CNY trinkets and souveniors. I'm never sure what to do on the day... we'll see what happens. I think it coincides with Valentine's Day this year? Who knows more about it???

I've been taking a painting class (acrylic) on Sundays for the past two months and enjoy learning new things. I've painted portraits of a woman, a boy, my cat and a crowd surfer (all separately) and did one landscape of a farm in autumn and last week started a copy of "Girl Before a Mirror" by Picasso. I'll finish it this Sunday and maybe start another of my Kittle Bit. I've learned quite a bit from my teacher and hope to keep painting long after I leave Thailand, another hobby.

What lies ahead in the coming weeks... job applications, two friends visiting and hopefully my mom (!!!) will come back to visit and help me move home (April); trips back to Vietnam (Ho Chi Mihn City), Laos again and maybe Cambodia again (IF time).
People might wonder what I do in my spare time, day to day... I have been going to the gym more, seeing movies and lots of different events as well as the art class. It's all pretty boring which is why I don't write much, I guess. I made a few NY resolutions and one is to write more, so I'm trying. :)

I miss you all a bit too much and can't wait to be home. But for now I'm going to enjoy my little time left here. Please still keep in touch and let me know how things are on your side of the world, it helps a lot!


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