
what used to be the times and travels of beth in Thailand has evolved. the blog will develop into a more random gathering of thoughts, interests, causes, experiences.. there are many possibilities as the World is large and Beth hopes to make it a better place. one little letter at a time.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Screaming down the road

It's been a hectic two weeks since I returned from a long weekend in Hong Kong. I will give a detailed account of the trip, I had an amazing time, but not until my mind has some breathing room.

I just wanted to write a short note to say that despite my previous excitement to go home for Christmas, I won't be making the trip. Nobody is more disappointed than I am that I won't be with my most treasured people for the holiday season. I am truly sad but I think it's best in the end.

I miss you all. Check back in the coming days for a post on August.

Happy Fair Days and back-to-school to everyone. Somebody eat a slice of Vescio's for me!!


1 comment:

  1. Bummer about Christmas.

    I look forward to reading about Hong Kong!
