look who's taking ANOTHER nap next to me while i write this. but, she's always ready to pose for a photo opp.
yesterday was very productive. today i am tired and am moving quite slowly. i pack a little then read a little or, like now, go on the computer to look up guest houses and transportation in thailand. then i pack and organize some more.
the woman who is taking over my lease (who is an ANGEL!) has moved in and i'm having fun getting to know her better. we went down to Rudolph's to see my friends woodrow, steve and willie play some reggae music. they are there every monday night after ten pm. it's a lot of great music and good fun. check it out when you can!! Rudolph's BBQ, monday nights, franklin and lyndale in uptown. they are the sweetest dudes you'll ever meet!
i miss joking around with my students. i hope they are doing well and i'm still waiting for that PAAAARTY!!? i can't wait to see who comes out as leaders in the group.
a couple of things i have to learn about: thai bank accounts; how to call a foreign country; and what am i really really going to miss if i leave it behind here at home???
off to do more packing!!! i'm going to miss this cat and this apartment!
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