sawatdee kah(hello) from Ao Nang, a beach town near Krabi in southern thailand. we are using the internet at our guest house from last evening. it was quite an adventurous day yesterday, and with jet lag settling in, little sleep, and constant newness it was a night that ended early. we arrived very safe and sound on Feb. 26th after two wonderful first class flights (thanks Barb!). once at the airport we were swindled for the first time. a friend had advised that we hire a car... well, we were approached right away and showed a 'pre-paid' amount (900 baht... nearly $30!! in reality it should have cost us, with tolls, about 500 baht. grrrr. now we know!). the guy said, 'yes??' twice, we looked at each other, then around at all the other chaos, and didn't even get a chance to discuss it before we were wisked away, the man carrying barb's bags and walking fast to a car that was parked amongst many tour buses. he set us up with a driver that ended up not speaking any english. the drive to the hotel was much longer than necessary, we ended up passing it without seeing the sign and had to go back after a stop on the side of the road for our driver to ask another taxi and then a woman picking up garbage where our hotel was. the woman helped us translate and we waited while he paced having a cigarette before taking off in the opposite direction... and eventually finding the hotel. (i realize now that my phrase book would have helped tremendously.) it was very nice and we were quite cozy for the night. however, we slept so much on the plane that getting some sleep was very difficult.
the next morning, we called my new boss and arranged to meet him at the school (!!) at 12:30. so, we hung out, packed, rested, showered, took a trip to the grocery store (very cool!), then arranged a taxi to take us to the school. our taxi driver was very friendly (this time) and just happened to be our age. i entertained him by trying my best to speak thai from my phrase book. there was much laughter and eventually we made it to the school. they let us in the gate and we waited with the guards (and many many little thai boys in their uniforms running and playing in the yard) until my boss came down. he brought us to his office and we stayed a while and met many teachers, saw the school briefly (my classroom is so great!), then jumped in a taxi and headed to the airport. we took a cheap flight to krabi and then a SPEEEEEEDY ride in a shuttle bus to ao nang, which is where i sit typing this.
making sleeping arrangements was very much a learning experience. i am very leary of being taken advantage of because we are tourists... and because we don't speak thai, so i have a hard time trusting anyone. it's not a good thing, but we've had to learn from our many mistakes thus far. my students will know that i don't like to argue, but bargaining is necessary to be able to save any money. while it is quite cheap in thailand, this resort town is used to getting much more for their services than i want to pay. i think it's time to find a quiet, secluded beach where there are very few tourists. i'll update you further on our progress.
we are happy and well and learning many new things every minute. we are off to breakfast and finding a better, cheaper place to visit!
i miss you all! send me a message!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
only five days left!
the apartment is quickly emptying of my belongings. there are boxes upon boxes of things to sort, categorize, and ship out! the poor cat is on to me. she understands what is going on and continues to try to communicate with me that she doesn't like it! each time i take something out of the apartment, she follows me to the door, tries to escape, and then is patiently waiting in her cat carrier when i come back in the door. she wants to ensure that she, too, is going wherever the rest of this stuff is going. she's no dummy. poor, little girl. i will sorely miss her great personality. at this time, she sits in the window "observing" the little birdies outside. the ears go back and forth with her excitement. what a character.
MY STUDENTS!! i'm excited to head in to learning for leadership today for their reward party. they've been working hard on their two goals: maintaining a positive attitude with posititve language and doing better with closing circle. they've worked hard, so it's time to celebrate! i can't wait to see them! however, some of them won't be there because there was a fight last week. i am extremely disappointed in those few. GET A LIFE. BE the bigger person and kill 'em with kindness. keep your power, don't give it away in your fists or anger. i hope those few have learned a valuable lesson: it's just not worth it. what have they really gained? they've gained days off of school to fall behind in work, lost participation points, potentially lower grades, a MAJOR slash on their school records, and a tarnished reputation.
to those few: let it go. forgive and move on. this, too, shall pass. make the best of your future. you have the power of choice. choose wisely. that's what we're trying to teach you.
i do look forward to seeing them all and can't wait to see all they've accomplished since i've been gone. what a special group of people i'm so glad i got to know!
travel plans are more secure. we, Barb and i, will take our first flight from minneapolis/st. paul to narita, japan this sunday, february 25. it is a twelve hour flight. we will rush to our next plane in narita that will take us to bangkok, thailand! the second leg is a little less than 8 hours. it will be a long time spent on planes, but well worth it to finally be there!! i have books, games, and snacks to keep me busy. oh, and i will surely spend a good amount of time sleeping. i hope to, at least. time passes much more quickly with your eyes closed.
if you have any suggestions for literature i might enjoy, please send them my way: after viewing the film Babel the other day, i would appreciate suggestions that are uplifting! it's a great, but depressing movie.
in bangkok, barb and i still have plans to drop some of our things at the school, then travel to the islands of koh phangan and koh phi phi. in the midst, we will most likely also see phuket and koh samui, both are bigger islands near the other two we plan to visit. we will get back to the school in time to gather our things and move into my temporary housing, which is an apartment near the school. we'll settle in and then explore bangkok for a few days before barb has to head back to the US. i will still have about a week and a half before orientation, so i'll wander the city and make some friends.
my friend, lucas, will be coming through thailand, from india, on his way home to the US. he will stay about a month in thailand, spending some time in bangkok and some time traveling to his favorite spots out of the city. i look forward to seeing him and hearing about his travels in india. he has been there since early january and is having a great time. he keeps repeating the same phrase, "there are a lot of people everywhere." he has a lot of great stories to tell. i keep telling him to write a book! anyhow, when lucas has departed thailand i'll be gaining momentum for the upcoming school year at Assumption. about that time, my friends Bob and Brandy should be visiting her grandmother who also lives in bangkok... so more friends from home to visit with! i feel so lucky to go across the world and still be able to see friends! (anyone is welcome to stay with me if you'd like to visit thailand. that, or i'd be perfectly willing to give advice for travel and stay in thailand.)
there is still plenty to accomplish today. i must get to it. i will update again in the coming days.
thanks for reading!
MY STUDENTS!! i'm excited to head in to learning for leadership today for their reward party. they've been working hard on their two goals: maintaining a positive attitude with posititve language and doing better with closing circle. they've worked hard, so it's time to celebrate! i can't wait to see them! however, some of them won't be there because there was a fight last week. i am extremely disappointed in those few. GET A LIFE. BE the bigger person and kill 'em with kindness. keep your power, don't give it away in your fists or anger. i hope those few have learned a valuable lesson: it's just not worth it. what have they really gained? they've gained days off of school to fall behind in work, lost participation points, potentially lower grades, a MAJOR slash on their school records, and a tarnished reputation.
to those few: let it go. forgive and move on. this, too, shall pass. make the best of your future. you have the power of choice. choose wisely. that's what we're trying to teach you.
i do look forward to seeing them all and can't wait to see all they've accomplished since i've been gone. what a special group of people i'm so glad i got to know!
travel plans are more secure. we, Barb and i, will take our first flight from minneapolis/st. paul to narita, japan this sunday, february 25. it is a twelve hour flight. we will rush to our next plane in narita that will take us to bangkok, thailand! the second leg is a little less than 8 hours. it will be a long time spent on planes, but well worth it to finally be there!! i have books, games, and snacks to keep me busy. oh, and i will surely spend a good amount of time sleeping. i hope to, at least. time passes much more quickly with your eyes closed.
if you have any suggestions for literature i might enjoy, please send them my way: after viewing the film Babel the other day, i would appreciate suggestions that are uplifting! it's a great, but depressing movie.
in bangkok, barb and i still have plans to drop some of our things at the school, then travel to the islands of koh phangan and koh phi phi. in the midst, we will most likely also see phuket and koh samui, both are bigger islands near the other two we plan to visit. we will get back to the school in time to gather our things and move into my temporary housing, which is an apartment near the school. we'll settle in and then explore bangkok for a few days before barb has to head back to the US. i will still have about a week and a half before orientation, so i'll wander the city and make some friends.
my friend, lucas, will be coming through thailand, from india, on his way home to the US. he will stay about a month in thailand, spending some time in bangkok and some time traveling to his favorite spots out of the city. i look forward to seeing him and hearing about his travels in india. he has been there since early january and is having a great time. he keeps repeating the same phrase, "there are a lot of people everywhere." he has a lot of great stories to tell. i keep telling him to write a book! anyhow, when lucas has departed thailand i'll be gaining momentum for the upcoming school year at Assumption. about that time, my friends Bob and Brandy should be visiting her grandmother who also lives in bangkok... so more friends from home to visit with! i feel so lucky to go across the world and still be able to see friends! (anyone is welcome to stay with me if you'd like to visit thailand. that, or i'd be perfectly willing to give advice for travel and stay in thailand.)
there is still plenty to accomplish today. i must get to it. i will update again in the coming days.
thanks for reading!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
i'm getting closer!!

look who's taking ANOTHER nap next to me while i write this. but, she's always ready to pose for a photo opp.
yesterday was very productive. today i am tired and am moving quite slowly. i pack a little then read a little or, like now, go on the computer to look up guest houses and transportation in thailand. then i pack and organize some more.
the woman who is taking over my lease (who is an ANGEL!) has moved in and i'm having fun getting to know her better. we went down to Rudolph's to see my friends woodrow, steve and willie play some reggae music. they are there every monday night after ten pm. it's a lot of great music and good fun. check it out when you can!! Rudolph's BBQ, monday nights, franklin and lyndale in uptown. they are the sweetest dudes you'll ever meet!
i miss joking around with my students. i hope they are doing well and i'm still waiting for that PAAAARTY!!? i can't wait to see who comes out as leaders in the group.
a couple of things i have to learn about: thai bank accounts; how to call a foreign country; and what am i really really going to miss if i leave it behind here at home???
off to do more packing!!! i'm going to miss this cat and this apartment!
Monday, February 12, 2007
sorry it's been a while!
greetings again! it's been a while, i've been quite consumed with work at learning for leadership. i was so, so sad to leave! i will miss everyone so much! i have no worries; miss miranda will take very good care of my precious students. (did you catch that spelling word, anyone?? it starts with a p.)
i hope to hear from all of the wonderful people i got to know in all the classes in the whole school. i want to say a special thank you to miss nicole and mr. mike's classes for trying to make me CRY with those sweet, beautiful cards! i love them and will bring them out when i am sad and missing home in thailand. thank you so much!
my students: muad, santana, erica, najma, omer, mercedes, christian, ashley, diarra, jasmine, noura, jamie, desi, anescia, muna, connor, and ivan each made me wonderful cards and posters. i was so touched that they took the time to make some beautiful creations! thank you all for being so great! remember to take care of each other and EARN that party! it shouldn't take but one day and then we can celebrate your accomplishment! don't forget to keep REX happy. i think he likes school better when you're all there keeping him company. i had a wonderful last week of school, thank all of you for everything! thanks, miss miranda!
it's going to be hard to stay away in these next two weeks before i leave, but i have sooooo much work to do before i go. i still have to pack up the apartment and move things to storage. then there are arrangements to make in selling my car and paying the bills while i am gone. (those bills! they just don't stop coming!)
my parents (who are so awesome) put on a fantastic going-away party for me at True Thai restaurant yesterday. it was so much fun! i am So glad that we decided to do it because i was able to see my family and friends before i get too busy with packing and moving. thank you all for coming to send me off so well! i think that i am STILL full from all the wonderful food. be sure to check out True Thai if you haven't! the owner is a friend of my mother's and she's so sweet and considerate! it's an awesome coincidence that she attended the school that i will be teaching at in thailand (when they allowed girls)! cool, huh!?!? thanks, Mom, Dad, and Anna! it was a wonderful time! i want to thank Ryan and Amy (my cousin and his wife) for the promise of a cockroach on them. i'll let you know how that one goes... *shiver* (HI DELLA, JOSHUA, and Little RYAN!! thanks for coming to my party and giving me great hugs!)
it's official that i'll be teaching Grade One in thailand. i haven't learned yet if this means 1st grade or kindergarten... their system is a little different than here in the US. i will get the fabric for my teaching uniform (light green and dark green) when i arrive for orientation. i will then take the fabric to a seamstress and have my uniforms made! at least i won't have to wonder what to wear in the morning! the boys all wear a uniform as well. the pictures i have seen show a white button-up short-sleeved shirt, blue shorts, and a scarf tied around their neck that is red and yellow. we'll see if it has changed this year. during summer school (the first two months) i will be allowed to wear my own clothing to teach, however there is a dress code. i must wear a skirt (longer than my knee) and a shirt that covers my shoulders. it shouldn't be too difficult.
i have a special request for all who are reading these blogs... i don't have all of your email addresses and i'd like to get them. please send an email to so that i can put your address in my address book. THANKS!! have a great day! it's getting a little warmer!
i hope to hear from all of the wonderful people i got to know in all the classes in the whole school. i want to say a special thank you to miss nicole and mr. mike's classes for trying to make me CRY with those sweet, beautiful cards! i love them and will bring them out when i am sad and missing home in thailand. thank you so much!
my students: muad, santana, erica, najma, omer, mercedes, christian, ashley, diarra, jasmine, noura, jamie, desi, anescia, muna, connor, and ivan each made me wonderful cards and posters. i was so touched that they took the time to make some beautiful creations! thank you all for being so great! remember to take care of each other and EARN that party! it shouldn't take but one day and then we can celebrate your accomplishment! don't forget to keep REX happy. i think he likes school better when you're all there keeping him company. i had a wonderful last week of school, thank all of you for everything! thanks, miss miranda!
it's going to be hard to stay away in these next two weeks before i leave, but i have sooooo much work to do before i go. i still have to pack up the apartment and move things to storage. then there are arrangements to make in selling my car and paying the bills while i am gone. (those bills! they just don't stop coming!)
my parents (who are so awesome) put on a fantastic going-away party for me at True Thai restaurant yesterday. it was so much fun! i am So glad that we decided to do it because i was able to see my family and friends before i get too busy with packing and moving. thank you all for coming to send me off so well! i think that i am STILL full from all the wonderful food. be sure to check out True Thai if you haven't! the owner is a friend of my mother's and she's so sweet and considerate! it's an awesome coincidence that she attended the school that i will be teaching at in thailand (when they allowed girls)! cool, huh!?!? thanks, Mom, Dad, and Anna! it was a wonderful time! i want to thank Ryan and Amy (my cousin and his wife) for the promise of a cockroach on them. i'll let you know how that one goes... *shiver* (HI DELLA, JOSHUA, and Little RYAN!! thanks for coming to my party and giving me great hugs!)
it's official that i'll be teaching Grade One in thailand. i haven't learned yet if this means 1st grade or kindergarten... their system is a little different than here in the US. i will get the fabric for my teaching uniform (light green and dark green) when i arrive for orientation. i will then take the fabric to a seamstress and have my uniforms made! at least i won't have to wonder what to wear in the morning! the boys all wear a uniform as well. the pictures i have seen show a white button-up short-sleeved shirt, blue shorts, and a scarf tied around their neck that is red and yellow. we'll see if it has changed this year. during summer school (the first two months) i will be allowed to wear my own clothing to teach, however there is a dress code. i must wear a skirt (longer than my knee) and a shirt that covers my shoulders. it shouldn't be too difficult.
i have a special request for all who are reading these blogs... i don't have all of your email addresses and i'd like to get them. please send an email to so that i can put your address in my address book. THANKS!! have a great day! it's getting a little warmer!
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