i have a LOT of photos to add to flickr and it's more than i thought. it will take a couple of hours... so stay tuned and be patient, sorry.
photos i'll add:
grand palace, (some were added but i had to stop)
gwen stefani show,
maybe something else...?
my apologies.
sat. sept. 15.
have a little taste of life in thailand: Pizza Company
turn on your volume and have a look around and what constitutes pizza in thailand.
it isn't too bad. i eat cheese only, of course.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
alright alright alright
i gotta let it out. i'm sorry not to have written. i've been sadly full of sorrow lately. with the passing of a friend's parent, i was reminded how precious and short life is and how our loved ones, that we cherish so much, will not be with us forever, nor we with them. it was a troubling time and i am grateful to have gone through it whilst here in thailand. the idea that parents and friends won't be around forever to share laughs and meals and movies and joy with is almost literally earth-shattering to ponder. a precious little break of the heart each time i put myself through it.
times have been tough. and times have been good. school moves along here and school just started there! we're mid-year for 2007 - 2008 school year and yet america's has only just begun. it's strange to think that the season hasn't really changed from summer to fall or summer to anything. it's just been summer! we went from extremely hot and humid summer to very hot and rainy and humid summer. i giggle at the thought of you back home possibly taking out the sweaters and fall jackets, shoes and socks. (one thing i don't miss is socks. fun fact, beth hates wearing socks.) it feels almost as if time hasn't passed by as my mind is stretching and reaching for that cool fall breeze out the window. i don't think such a breeze will find me here. maybe you could jar it up and send it to me, that's as close as i can get to that wonderful air of change. fall is a great time.
46 days until i turn 30. it is a birthday of the golden kind, turning 30 on the 30th. is there some sort of ceremony where i wear a gold crown and gold bracelets and temporary gold teeth? there really should be. if only. so i guess i'll decide to skip 30 and go right to 31. we can celebrate 30 next year when i'm (possibly) closer to home on that date.
boss man says we have to have a 51% decision about staying another year or... not by nov. 1st. i've been asked many times, again and again, how i lean. and today, i lean towards 51% not staying. maybe another country... i'm not sure i'm done "being away" yet. i miss the kittle bit (my cat) tremendously. i miss my family and friends heart-achingly. all of this i planned for yet all of it is a lot. somehow i want to be in both places. so i try.
i didn't get the best sleep last night. i'm very tired today. some woman kept waking me up. i don't know who she was but i'd see her just as i was opening my eyes to wake up and it was HER who was waking me in my dreams. she did it three times. she was wearing bright fuscia. she's in DEEP trouble when i figure out who she is. Miss Beth is crabby today and i'm sure there are several people who'd ALSO like to have a word with her when i figure out who she is. haha.
this has made my day today: Exploding Dog
what a great sentence: "i will not should on myself today." wish i could claim it as my own. i cannot. (sorry, mccoy, i just like it so much i had to share)
looking at the last post being august 15th there's a lot to catch up on. gwen stefani was fun! super fun! we weren't close but we weren't TOO far. she was about a centimeter tall. she has designed her show so that she comes off stage to greet the fans sitting waaaaAaay back. she didn't see us with our BANANAS shirts and we didn't go backstage. it was sort of a whirlwind show. quick, energetic and fun. i bought a t-shirt to commemorate the event. the tickets to get in were in the form of a plastic card, like a gift card or credit card. interesting souvenior!
very shortly after the gwen concert my friend had to go back home to south africa for her father's funeral. i miss her dearly as she's my partner in crime. she arrives back to bangkok on sunday morning! i look forward to having her back in town.
in my friend's absense, i've gotten to know some of the others on staff better and have enjoyed going out to clubs for music and dancing, having fun dinners and wandering streets i haven't wandered before.
the boys have been doing swimming in gym class and it cracks me up to such an extent that i feel guilty. to start, they all wear matching "swimmers" (speedos), goggles, swim caps, robes, and flip flops. some of the boys are like fish, a couple of the boys are scared but still try, and a couple are terrified and cry at the mention of "come to miss beth. i won't let you get hurt." once in my arms it's a death grip hold until they are safely back on the edge of the pool. i guess one of the boys fell into some water as a toddler and was found by his mother... the other two just sink and can't even hold their breath... who wouldn't be terrified if that happened!??!! so i get the daily report: Miss Beth I cannot swim. I don't swimming.
it's really adorable and such a great memory to have. see pictures here if you log in.
another "fun" event we were required to attend last saturday (yes, saturday and we were expected to be across town by 7:30 am and stayed all day in the heat, not to complain because it was "fine") is called AC Sports Day. it involved the grade 4 - 6 boys doing a mass cheer on the field as the opening ceremony, a marching band playing such classics as the olympic song and that one song they play when people run in slow motion on movies... don't know the name. it was classic. one event to make note of was the one-boy race. one boy raced... himself? i wonder who won...?
funny stuff. our presence seemed unnecessary but it was an interesting experience to have. the thai staff spent the entire day cheering their GUTS out with their "section". it was noisy and hot, but fun and funny. it definitely puts me on the 51% not stay next year. haha, i'm joking. it wasn't that bad.
i received a massive box from my beloved Book Club and i want to say thank you again!!! i ate all of the cheetos and dots and hot tamales and am enjoying the other fun stuff you sent! thank you all so much! (I KNOW rach, no worries, mate!! i still love ya!)
otherwise... just gearing up for exams in two weeks and a nice three week "holiday" (we say vacation) from school. Mom will be visiting and i cannot waIT!!! it will be so good to have MOM here and to get out of town! anyone wishing to send me things like gold bracelets and gold teeth can get in touch with her here-->. just kidding.
congratulations to my cousin who had a baby and to my cousin who got married! how exciting!! so sad i couldn't be there, but i am there in spirit. i love seeing pictures of what i'm missing, everyone!
dad finally snapped some "candids" of my cat posing and rolling around like a fat supermodel. she is TOO much! i miss her cuddles and squawks when i've "hugged and loved" her too tightly. heheheheeeee. the kit. little monster. mommy's coming home SOME day! you would hate thailand anyway! it's too hot for all that fur.
OOOooOOOOoooOOO! cockroach story? are you ready?? *shiver* the other night, i shut my windows (which requires that i open the screens and reach my hand out to pull the window in) and put on the air (it's been humid... too humid some days when there aren't clouds or rain) (i use commas and parentheses a LOT!).
cut to an hour later and i'm sitting at my computer, basking in the glory of cool air and chatting online with my friend anelda. i hear this noise and there's been talk of ghosts in our building... so i'm looking around and thinking... someone is SCRATCHING the screen! is it a ghost?? because i can see nothing causing this racket. upon closer inspection and a slight jump in my heart i discover that it's a *gag* fourteen inch cockroach (okay, four inch) flailing itself around BETWEEN the screen and the window that i had closed earlier. (how had I missed such a creature's presence?!)
i panicked. WHAT TO DO?! leave it? no, that sucker was causing SUCH a fuss (drama queen!) kill it!?!? yea! kill it! ... how? stick my hand in there? it might touch me!! pffft. right, no. then my tree-hugging vegetarian side spoke to me and told me to muster up the courage to open (yes OPEN) the screen and unLOCK the window and release this monster back into the wild kingdom of thailand. *shiver again and a BIG one*... i jumped around a bit singing "ooOOOoo that is so gross!!! OOooOOOo it is so NAAAASTy!!" then i did my blubber face shaky thing to get rid of the ewwy gewwies i was suffering at the mere sight of this nasty brown creature with 500 legs and WINGS!? who'd've thunk it?! ISH!
pan back to ms. cockroach, and her drama queen self, flying around banging herself again and again... on the screen... no the window... no the screen... the screen again... then the window. ... UUUGggh, she is SO noisy!
i turned the locks on the screen and opened it when she was "resting" on the upper part of the window (away from my hand) and got my hand in maybe four inches to unlock the window, turned it and WHAM! she flew RIGHT AT MY HAND !!!!! i SLAMMED that screen shut and sCreamed really, embarrassingly loud. (my next immediate thought "what a NINNY! i hope the neighbors don't think i'm being robbed or beaten or kidnapped. no, it's just stupid me and drama queen cockroach flier thing." haha. *SHIVER*. (it should be noted that i went to my purse to find my camera because i know no one will believe the atrocity of this creature. but i left my camera at school. dang! still no evidence of thailand drama.)
cut back to cockroach. she's REALLY upset now. i teased her with the opening of that screen and an escape INTO my apt! she was crazy to think i'd let her IN my apt to fly around and take my sleep away from me. HHHHeck no!
she flew around like a mad cow and i eventually figured out the silent, movement-free maneuvers to release/push-quickly the window to free her. the second time she flew at my hand again and i had only gotten the window open an inch before slamming the screen on her again. even with me flicking her off the screen 20 times, she wouldn't go OUT through that small of an opening. she was probably dizzy and blind from me slamming her around that window. eventually she went back to the top of the window and i opened the window farther and she flew out, back to the sewer or garbage pile that she lives on. bottom line: SHE WAS MASSIVE! i bet a rat would hesitate in eating her and my own cat might rip her into seven smaller pieces before consumption is possible. I-I-ICK! however, lesson learned Ms. Cockroach, Beth rules apt. 404 yet again.
did you EVER imagine that they would FLY into my apt?!!? wwOOOOooo. let's hope it was a first AND a last. MOM: prepare yourself.
guess i'll leave you with that little tidbit of Life and Times in Thailand.
hope to hear good news from you soon and MISS you dearly! keep in TOUCH!
times have been tough. and times have been good. school moves along here and school just started there! we're mid-year for 2007 - 2008 school year and yet america's has only just begun. it's strange to think that the season hasn't really changed from summer to fall or summer to anything. it's just been summer! we went from extremely hot and humid summer to very hot and rainy and humid summer. i giggle at the thought of you back home possibly taking out the sweaters and fall jackets, shoes and socks. (one thing i don't miss is socks. fun fact, beth hates wearing socks.) it feels almost as if time hasn't passed by as my mind is stretching and reaching for that cool fall breeze out the window. i don't think such a breeze will find me here. maybe you could jar it up and send it to me, that's as close as i can get to that wonderful air of change. fall is a great time.
46 days until i turn 30. it is a birthday of the golden kind, turning 30 on the 30th. is there some sort of ceremony where i wear a gold crown and gold bracelets and temporary gold teeth? there really should be. if only. so i guess i'll decide to skip 30 and go right to 31. we can celebrate 30 next year when i'm (possibly) closer to home on that date.
boss man says we have to have a 51% decision about staying another year or... not by nov. 1st. i've been asked many times, again and again, how i lean. and today, i lean towards 51% not staying. maybe another country... i'm not sure i'm done "being away" yet. i miss the kittle bit (my cat) tremendously. i miss my family and friends heart-achingly. all of this i planned for yet all of it is a lot. somehow i want to be in both places. so i try.
i didn't get the best sleep last night. i'm very tired today. some woman kept waking me up. i don't know who she was but i'd see her just as i was opening my eyes to wake up and it was HER who was waking me in my dreams. she did it three times. she was wearing bright fuscia. she's in DEEP trouble when i figure out who she is. Miss Beth is crabby today and i'm sure there are several people who'd ALSO like to have a word with her when i figure out who she is. haha.
this has made my day today: Exploding Dog
what a great sentence: "i will not should on myself today." wish i could claim it as my own. i cannot. (sorry, mccoy, i just like it so much i had to share)
looking at the last post being august 15th there's a lot to catch up on. gwen stefani was fun! super fun! we weren't close but we weren't TOO far. she was about a centimeter tall. she has designed her show so that she comes off stage to greet the fans sitting waaaaAaay back. she didn't see us with our BANANAS shirts and we didn't go backstage. it was sort of a whirlwind show. quick, energetic and fun. i bought a t-shirt to commemorate the event. the tickets to get in were in the form of a plastic card, like a gift card or credit card. interesting souvenior!
very shortly after the gwen concert my friend had to go back home to south africa for her father's funeral. i miss her dearly as she's my partner in crime. she arrives back to bangkok on sunday morning! i look forward to having her back in town.
in my friend's absense, i've gotten to know some of the others on staff better and have enjoyed going out to clubs for music and dancing, having fun dinners and wandering streets i haven't wandered before.
the boys have been doing swimming in gym class and it cracks me up to such an extent that i feel guilty. to start, they all wear matching "swimmers" (speedos), goggles, swim caps, robes, and flip flops. some of the boys are like fish, a couple of the boys are scared but still try, and a couple are terrified and cry at the mention of "come to miss beth. i won't let you get hurt." once in my arms it's a death grip hold until they are safely back on the edge of the pool. i guess one of the boys fell into some water as a toddler and was found by his mother... the other two just sink and can't even hold their breath... who wouldn't be terrified if that happened!??!! so i get the daily report: Miss Beth I cannot swim. I don't swimming.
it's really adorable and such a great memory to have. see pictures here if you log in.
another "fun" event we were required to attend last saturday (yes, saturday and we were expected to be across town by 7:30 am and stayed all day in the heat, not to complain because it was "fine") is called AC Sports Day. it involved the grade 4 - 6 boys doing a mass cheer on the field as the opening ceremony, a marching band playing such classics as the olympic song and that one song they play when people run in slow motion on movies... don't know the name. it was classic. one event to make note of was the one-boy race. one boy raced... himself? i wonder who won...?
funny stuff. our presence seemed unnecessary but it was an interesting experience to have. the thai staff spent the entire day cheering their GUTS out with their "section". it was noisy and hot, but fun and funny. it definitely puts me on the 51% not stay next year. haha, i'm joking. it wasn't that bad.
i received a massive box from my beloved Book Club and i want to say thank you again!!! i ate all of the cheetos and dots and hot tamales and am enjoying the other fun stuff you sent! thank you all so much! (I KNOW rach, no worries, mate!! i still love ya!)
otherwise... just gearing up for exams in two weeks and a nice three week "holiday" (we say vacation) from school. Mom will be visiting and i cannot waIT!!! it will be so good to have MOM here and to get out of town! anyone wishing to send me things like gold bracelets and gold teeth can get in touch with her here-->. just kidding.
congratulations to my cousin who had a baby and to my cousin who got married! how exciting!! so sad i couldn't be there, but i am there in spirit. i love seeing pictures of what i'm missing, everyone!
dad finally snapped some "candids" of my cat posing and rolling around like a fat supermodel. she is TOO much! i miss her cuddles and squawks when i've "hugged and loved" her too tightly. heheheheeeee. the kit. little monster. mommy's coming home SOME day! you would hate thailand anyway! it's too hot for all that fur.
OOOooOOOOoooOOO! cockroach story? are you ready?? *shiver* the other night, i shut my windows (which requires that i open the screens and reach my hand out to pull the window in) and put on the air (it's been humid... too humid some days when there aren't clouds or rain) (i use commas and parentheses a LOT!).
cut to an hour later and i'm sitting at my computer, basking in the glory of cool air and chatting online with my friend anelda. i hear this noise and there's been talk of ghosts in our building... so i'm looking around and thinking... someone is SCRATCHING the screen! is it a ghost?? because i can see nothing causing this racket. upon closer inspection and a slight jump in my heart i discover that it's a *gag* fourteen inch cockroach (okay, four inch) flailing itself around BETWEEN the screen and the window that i had closed earlier. (how had I missed such a creature's presence?!)
i panicked. WHAT TO DO?! leave it? no, that sucker was causing SUCH a fuss (drama queen!) kill it!?!? yea! kill it! ... how? stick my hand in there? it might touch me!! pffft. right, no. then my tree-hugging vegetarian side spoke to me and told me to muster up the courage to open (yes OPEN) the screen and unLOCK the window and release this monster back into the wild kingdom of thailand. *shiver again and a BIG one*... i jumped around a bit singing "ooOOOoo that is so gross!!! OOooOOOo it is so NAAAASTy!!" then i did my blubber face shaky thing to get rid of the ewwy gewwies i was suffering at the mere sight of this nasty brown creature with 500 legs and WINGS!? who'd've thunk it?! ISH!
pan back to ms. cockroach, and her drama queen self, flying around banging herself again and again... on the screen... no the window... no the screen... the screen again... then the window. ... UUUGggh, she is SO noisy!
i turned the locks on the screen and opened it when she was "resting" on the upper part of the window (away from my hand) and got my hand in maybe four inches to unlock the window, turned it and WHAM! she flew RIGHT AT MY HAND !!!!! i SLAMMED that screen shut and sCreamed really, embarrassingly loud. (my next immediate thought "what a NINNY! i hope the neighbors don't think i'm being robbed or beaten or kidnapped. no, it's just stupid me and drama queen cockroach flier thing." haha. *SHIVER*. (it should be noted that i went to my purse to find my camera because i know no one will believe the atrocity of this creature. but i left my camera at school. dang! still no evidence of thailand drama.)
cut back to cockroach. she's REALLY upset now. i teased her with the opening of that screen and an escape INTO my apt! she was crazy to think i'd let her IN my apt to fly around and take my sleep away from me. HHHHeck no!
she flew around like a mad cow and i eventually figured out the silent, movement-free maneuvers to release/push-quickly the window to free her. the second time she flew at my hand again and i had only gotten the window open an inch before slamming the screen on her again. even with me flicking her off the screen 20 times, she wouldn't go OUT through that small of an opening. she was probably dizzy and blind from me slamming her around that window. eventually she went back to the top of the window and i opened the window farther and she flew out, back to the sewer or garbage pile that she lives on. bottom line: SHE WAS MASSIVE! i bet a rat would hesitate in eating her and my own cat might rip her into seven smaller pieces before consumption is possible. I-I-ICK! however, lesson learned Ms. Cockroach, Beth rules apt. 404 yet again.
did you EVER imagine that they would FLY into my apt?!!? wwOOOOooo. let's hope it was a first AND a last. MOM: prepare yourself.
guess i'll leave you with that little tidbit of Life and Times in Thailand.
hope to hear good news from you soon and MISS you dearly! keep in TOUCH!
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